
Volunteer at the Hunan Museum

The Hunan Museum Volunteer Organization consists of people who have passion for museum career and are willing to serve the Hunan Museum. 
All registered volunteers are subject to the verification of the Hunan Museum. Volunteers are required to abide by all the rules and regulations in the Hunan Museum. They are obliged to carry out the spirit of “dedication, friendliness, cooperation and mutual improvement” and stick to the principle of “voluntariness, altruism and equality” so as to enhance the communications between Hunan Museum and the public as well as realize self-improvements.



1. have passion and ability for the job.
2. are willing to serve the public without pay.
3. are qualified with knowledge and skills required by certain voluntary jobs. Being good at foreign languages is a priority.
4. are aged between 18-65, well-featured , physically and mentally healthy.
5. obey rules and regulations of the Hunan Museum. 24-day service is required per year. 

Your Benefits

Your Benefits
1.  First hand materials about voluntary activities.
2. Diversified trainings. 
3.  Access to rich professional books and materials. 
4. Free entry of the exhibitions held by the Hunan Museum. 
5. Priority to attend educational activities. 
6. Substantial discounts at museum shops.
7. Other rights specified in relevant laws and regulations.
1. Maintain the image and reputation of the Hunan Museum and the Volunteer Organization. 
2. Obey Regulations of Hunan Museum Volunteer Organization.
3. Fulfill service commitment and accomplish certain tasks.
4. Respect customers and visitors. Any demand for extra fee is prohibited.
5. Get us informed if you can’t attend or organize activities as previously arranged.
6. Fulfill other obligations specified in relevant laws and regulations.

How to join us

1. How to join us:
(1)Direct recruitment.
(2)With the help of certain enterprises and social organizations.
2. Recruitment Processes:
(1)Read through and accept Regulations of Hunan Museum Volunteer Organization.
(2)Hand in application form at recruitment site or by delivery. You can also fill in the form online. 
(3)Attend examinations regularly held by the Hunan Museum with ID card and qualification certificates.
(4)Those who pass examinations shall attend pre-job training.
All volunteers shall complete certain assessments arranged by the Hunan Museum within the given time. 
1. Job Description
1) Guiding tour.
2) Assist to organize public educational activities such as families activities, community activities and those targeting special groups. 
3) Maintaining order in the museum. 
4) Diverse jobs including editing, designing, photographing, material translating. 
5) Other jobs when necessary
2. Service time
Service time shall not be less than 2 days per month and 24 days per year.