Red Spirit Flourished in the Land of Heroes: Exhibition of Revolutionary Cultural Relics collected in the Hunan Museum
Red Spirit Flourished in the Land of Heroes: Exhibition of Revolutionary Cultural Relics collected in the Hunan Museum
Hunan Province boasts its abundance of red revolutionary cultural resources, so much so that it seems to be a revolutionary history museum without walls. In September 2020, general secretary Xi Jinping inspected Hunan and praised the province, saying that "one can find revolutionary site in nearly every 10 steps", "soaked in the blood of the Red Army, the soil witnessed the revolutionary martyrs’ heroic sacrifice". The year of 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. To celebrate the centenary of the founding of the CPC, the Hunan Museum launches the original exhibition, namely Red Spirit Flourished in the Land of Heroes: Special Exhibition of Revolutionary Cultural Relics collected in the Hunan Museum. This exhibition follows the history of the revolution of the CPC in Hunan. To educate, impress, and inspire more people, we dig into stories behind the cultural objects to better interpret the cultural connotation and the value of the times embodied in the cultural relics while showcasing the revolutionary spirit and noble characters of people with lofty ideals in four units, namely "The Tide Riders Surf the Currents", "A Million Workers and Peasants Rise Up", "All Around Heroes Home-bound in the Evening Mist" and "Bitter Sacrifice Strengthens Bold Resolve".
- 1917年湖南省立第一师范学校同学录
- 马克思、恩格斯著《共产党宣言》
- 清拓岳麓书院法帖
- 1920年新民学会部分会员半淞园会议留影
- 梅雪峰隶书蔡和森烈士少年行诗轴
- 《通俗资本论》
- 何叔衡聘请王堃猷任湘江学校教授的聘约
- 何叔衡写给儿子新九的信
- 1923年湖南自修大学主编的《新时代》月刊创刊号
- 湖南劳工会成立宣言
- 湖南水口山矿务局铜元券、局票
- 18×15cmSee More