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Splendid Attire in Silver - a Collection of Miao Ethnic Group’ s Fine Silver Jewelry

Author: Guo Shihua
木曜日, 1月 17, 2019


The Miao ethnic group has a long history and a large population. The Miao in the Hunan province is mainly concentrated in the western part. People from the Miao love silver which is a symbol of light and a sign of wealth in Miao’s legends. Moreover, costumes of Miao were dyed indigo (a dark colour) in the past, and were decorated with snow-white silver ornaments, which better accentuated the brightness of the silver and the preciousness of the costumes. Some of the Miao’s dresses are almost covered with silver ornaments.When a Miao’s girl gets married, her dowry is the silver glittering clothes. The silver ornament of the Miao family is usually passed on to their daughters only, from generation to generation. Miao’s silver ornament is all-embracing. At festivals, Miao’s daughters wear silver crowns on their heads, silver rings on their necks, silver clothes, silver bracelets on their hands and silver chains on their feet, every piece is carefully handmade, and together with hand-picked and embroidered Miao clothes, making them look magnificent and colorful. The Miao’s silver ornaments are like an ancient song sung by the people from Miao ethnic group for generations, telling the history of their ancestors in a calm and smooth melody; the Miao’s silver ornament is also like local people's spreading and spirited Lusheng dance, overflowing with the joy of life. The exquisite silver ornaments are the accumulation of Miao’s history and culture, reflecting the traditional aesthetics, values and wisdom of the local people, and are artistic wonders in Chinese cultural heritage. The Hunan Museum has selected some of the typical silver ornaments from its collection to take visitors into a magnificent world of silver jewelry!


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