Hunan Museum
Exhibition of the Chinese ancient calligraphy on bamboo slips and silk
To write on bamboos and silk is new and strange to us today. Our encounter with the calligraphy on bamboos and silk began with the archaeological discoveries at the beginning of the 20th century while the calligraphy on bamboos and silk had been a daily life until the popularization of paper. The unearthed books on bamboos and silk were written from the Warring States to Wei and Jin dynasties, spanning for nearly a thousand years. Later on, the inscriptions on bronzes and tablets were used by ancient Chinese calligraphy learners as models instead of the calligraphy works on bamboos and silk because these early bamboo and silk works have been lost in history. In the Qing dynasty, "epigraphy" was incorporated into the aesthetic system of calligraphy. It exerted profound influence on contemporary calligraphy learners in aspects from aesthetic taste to the model selection.
Now faced with a large number of diverse calligraphy works on bamboos and silk, we have noticed the possibility of rewriting the history of Chinese calligraphy. These works recorded the factors affecting the writing effect including the calligrapher’s writing habits and strokes, aesthetic taste of different times, customs of different regions, different writing tools and styles. It is difficult to use the existing theoretical system of calligraphy to interpret the complexity of font evolution and the characteristics of the times in the layout in silk calligraphy, so only when we abandon the traditional cognition and immerse ourselves in these works can we feel the beauty of them.
This exhibition aims to restore the diversity and richness of the calligraphy on bamboos and silk as much as possible, outline its development process from the Warring States to the Wei and Jin dynasties, and inspire new thoughts on Chinese calligraphy.
Yan Fuchu
From Nov. 11th, 2019 to Nov. 30th, 2019.
No. 2 Special Exhibition Hall, 1F
Free Admission
- Silk scroll, unearthed in 1942 at the Zidanku Chu tomb in the Warring States, Changsha, Hunan Province and now collected in the Hunan Museum. Height: 4.5cm; Width: 2.5cm.
- Twelve tombs from the end of the Warring States to the Qin dynasty were excavated at Shuihudi, Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, among which more than 1,000 Qin slips were unearthed from the tomb No.11, recording the Qin laws and archives. The calligraphy in the slips is delicate and smooth, written in the seal and official script with informal font and shape.
- Wushi'er Bingfang, which dates from earlier than the compilation period of Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine, was the most ancient medical prescription found in China. It was written by flat seal character of the Qin dynasty, with both the charm of seal character and the style of official script, and some of the characters were very similar to those of Chu slips. This discovery greatly expanded our impression of the overall appearance of calligraphy in the Western Han dynasty.
- Western Han dynasty, silk scroll, unearthed in 1973 at the No.3Mawangdui Han tomb, Changsha, Hunan, now collected in the Hunan Museum. Height: 21.5cm; Width: 14cm.
- Western Han dynasty, silk scroll 7205-7, unearthed in 1973 at the No.3 MawangduiHan tomb, Changsha, Hunan, now collected in the Hunan Museum. Height: 24cm; Width: 12cm.
- Western Han dynasty, silk scroll, unearthed in 1973 at the No.3 Mawangdui Han tomb, Changsha, Hunan, now collected in the Hunan Museum. There were 47 lines, about 3000 words, with long strips of ink at the beginning. Its content was basically the same as that of the current edition. It was one of the earliest transcript of Zhouyi Copulative. Height: 23.5cm; Width: 11cm.
- Western Han dynasty, wooden plaque, unearthed in 1973 at the No.1Mawangdui Han tomb, Changsha, Hunan, now collected in the Hunan Museum. Length: 8-9.5cm; Width: 5.5-6.5cm.
- In the 12th year of emperor Wendi of the Western Han dynasty, bamboo slips and bamboo slips, unearthed in 1973 at Ma Wangdui No.1 Han tomb, Changsha, Hunan, now collected in the Hunan Museum. It was used to record the name and quantity of funerary objects. Unlike copying official documents, its written form was informal and natural and some of the characters have shown a strong style of running hand. Length: 17.1-28cm; Width: 0.8-6cm.
- In the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Wen of the Western Han dynasty, wooden slip, unearthed in 1993 at the No. 18 tomb in Gaotai, Jingzhou, Hubei Province, now collected in the Jingzhou Museum. The tomb was a special one in the early Western Han dynasty in Jiangling area, the excavations from which had some characters of both Qin and Chu cultures. The unearthed 4 pieces of wooden slips were well preserved in golden color, with clear handwriting and traces of the silk binding.
- Six pieces of the bamboo slips were unearthed at the No.10 tomb, Fenghuang Mountain, Jiangling area. There were characters on both sides except one on one side. The characters were inked official script, with a slightly fat brush, while some looked neat and some had the taste of running hand.
- In the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Jing of the Western dynasty, bamboo slip, unearthed in 1973 at the No. 10 tomb at Fenghuang Mountain, Jiangling, Hubei Province, now collected in the Jingzhou Museum. Length: 22.8cm; Width: 4.3cm; Height: 0.2cm.
- Han bamboo slips at Huxi MountainSee More
Experience and Strategy: the Art Changsha 2019
At 2:00 p.m. on December 7, 2019, “Experience and Strategy: the Art Changsha 2019” was officially unveiled in the Art Hall, 1st Floor, Hunan Museum. Since 2007, Hunan Museum has held six “Art Changsha” consecutively, and this year ushers in the 7th “Art Changsha”. This is an “atypical cultural landscape” among Chinese major museums. In the 21st century, the functions and missions of a museum began to shift greatly due to the innovations of ideas and technology. The position of museums as cultural hubs has been reemphasized and reinforced. From the perspectives of both time and space, museums are no longer limited to “collecting history”, but are endowed with a value orientation of connecting reality and the future. Therefore, it is essentially an exploration of its functions and the boundaries as well as its relations with the contemporary society for a museum to hold a contemporary art exhibition. This exhibition, featured by an integration of academic and art, apparently reflects the fields of “contradiction” between historical relics and contemporary art. In nature, it is a deep conversation that is based on rich historical materials in the museum and digs into the history and contemporary arts. By implementing the new concepts and ideas of “enlivening” the relics, “merging” the arts into life, and “inviting” the audience to join, this exhibition will further promote cultural confidence, improve public culture and artistic literacy and contribute to keeping up with people’s ever-growing needs for a better life!
The works of ten artists are exhibited in three exhibition areas, i.e. Hunan Museum, Changsha Museum and Tan Guobin Contemporary Art Museum. Their works not only carry strong personal symbolic or graphic language features, but also differ considerably in creative concepts, materials, methods and other aspects. It is almost an “mission impossible” to connect the three exhibition areas with an internal logic, or even to find a relatively complete external expression with a unified “title”. However, through discussions and exchanges with the participating artists and curators in different exhibition areas, as well as the opportunities to observe and feel the painstaking efforts and devotion down in the artists’ studios, the curator seems to have grasped the common features implied in the distinctive personalities of the ten artists and a new growing trend of Chinese contemporary art behind those “winding paths” of different art styles. To summarize personal experiences, the curator tried to use the words “experience and strategy”, which also become the theme of this “Art Changsha”. But this is not a exhibition theme in the usual sense. Those words don’t bear any specific or exact meaning in itself, but rather, it attempts to reveal the current development trend of contemporary art and its significance in methodology, so as to put forward a topic for discussion.
Experience and Strategy: the Art Changsha 2019 is composed of ten solos in three exhibition areas, presenting brilliant works of ten artists including Luo Zhongli, Duan Jianwei, Yang Maoyuan, He An, Liang Yuanwei, Li Jin, Liu Qinghe, Wu Yi, Wang Mai and Fu Yao.
This exhibition is open to the public free of charge.
Exhibition time:
9:00-17:00 every Tuesday to Sunday
2019年12月7日下午14时,经验与策略——2019第七届“艺术长沙”将在湖南省博物馆一楼艺术大厅隆重开幕。 湖南省博物馆自2007年以来连续参与举办了六届“艺术长沙”,今年即将迎来第七届“艺术长沙”,这在中国大型博物馆中可说是一个“非典型性”的文化景观。21世纪的博物馆,身处观念和技术变革的大潮,其功能与使命开始发生重大变化,作为文化中枢的地位正得到不断强调。无论是从时间还是空间的维度来看,博物馆都不再仅仅是“收藏历史”,而是增加了连接现实与未来世界的价值趋向。因此,举办当代艺术展实质上也是一种对博物馆功能、工作边界及其与当代社会关系的探索。本次展览策划从学术与艺术高度结合的定位出发,表面上反映的是历史文物与当代艺术品互为“矛盾”的场域,实质上是探索性的以博物馆承载的厚重历史为基点,探寻时空历史与当代艺术的深刻对话,践行让文物“活起来”、让艺术“融进来”、让观众“走进来”的新策展理念,从而有助于促进文化自信,提升公众文化艺术素养,不断满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要!
展期:2019/11/10 - 2019/11/30
- 战国,绢本,纵4.5厘米,横2.5厘米。1942年湖南长沙子弹库战国楚墓出土。湖南省博物馆藏。
- 云梦睡虎地发掘战国末年至秦代的墓葬十二座,其中十一号墓出土秦简一千余支,内容大部分是秦的法律和文书。简文书法质朴秀朗,字形长短方圆不拘,显得既节奏明快,又平稳朴实。字体篆隶相杂。
- 《五十二病方》的产生年代应早于《黄帝内经》的纂成时期,是我国现已发现的最古医方。书写字体为点画平直化的秦篆,既有篆书韵味,又有隶书风格,是篆书与隶书之间的过渡形态,其中还有不少字形与楚简文字非常接近。《五十二病方》的发现大大拓展了我们对西汉书法整体面貌的固有印象。
- 西汉,绢本 ,纵21.5厘米,横14厘米。1973年湖南长沙马王堆三号汉墓出土。 湖南省博物馆藏。
- 西汉 绢本 7205-7:纵24厘米,横12厘米。 1973年湖南长沙马王堆三号汉墓出土 。湖南省博物馆藏
- 西汉 绢本 纵23.5厘米,横11厘米 1973年湖南长沙马王堆三号汉墓出土 湖南省博物馆藏。 共47行,约3000字。开篇处有长条形墨丁。其内容与通行本《系辞》基本相同,但不分上下篇。为《周易•系辞》最早的抄本之一。
- 西汉 木牌 长8~9.5厘米,宽5.5~6.5厘米 1973年湖南省长沙市马王堆一号汉墓出土 湖南省博物馆
- 西汉文帝十二年 竹简、木牍 长17.1~28厘米,宽0.8~6厘米 1973年湖南省长沙市马王堆三号汉墓出土 湖南省博物馆藏。 遣策是用来记录随葬品的名称、数量等的简牍。书写遣策不同于抄写官方文书,一般不会太拘谨。从马王堆三号墓遣策的书写风格来看,书手的书写状态较为轻松自然,笔画与笔画之间时常出现连笔,有的字形已经呈现出了浓厚的行书笔调。
- 西汉文帝前元七年, 木牍, 长14.8~23.2厘米,宽3.15~5.7厘米,厚0.4厘米。 1993年湖北省荆州高台18号墓出土, 荆州博物馆藏。该墓为江陵地区一座比较特殊的西汉早期墓葬,出土器物兼具秦文化与楚文化的某些特征。共出土木牍4块,保存较好,颜色金黄,字迹清晰,背面有丝绸捆绑的痕迹。牍甲为江陵丞给死者前往安都签发的“路签”,牍乙为死者给地君的“报道书”,牍丙为“告地书”,据内容来看,墓主为新安人,名燕,是一名寡妇,牍丁为“遣策”。简书圆转笔画较多,个别字拉长末笔,富于章法,单件简牍均可视为一件完整的作品。
- 江陵凤凰山十号墓共出土木牍六片,除一片单面有字外,其余均两面有字。字皆墨书隶体,用笔略肥,有的比较规整,有的则有草书笔意。
- 汉景帝四年, 木牍, 长22.8厘米,宽4.3厘米,厚0.2厘米, 1973年湖北江陵凤凰山十号墓出土, 荆州博物馆藏。
- 虎溪山汉简See More
新时代的中国:创新湖南 融入世界——新中国成立70周年湖南发展成就专题展
“创新湖南 融入世界——新中国成立70周年湖南发展成就专题展”是9月12日外交部湖南全球推介活动的主题展览。
- 亲切关怀
- 亲切关怀
- 亲切关怀
- 奋进70年
- 奋进70年
- 奋进70年
- 奋进70年
- 湖南新定位
- 湖南新定位
- 创新湖南
- 创新湖南
- 创新湖南See More
- 虎与兔
- 桄榔树
- 怀素
- 秦琼卖马
- 风尘三侠之红拂女
- 巴人汲水
- 壮烈之回忆
- 神鹰
- 泰戈尔像
- 群奔
- 国殇
- 在保卫世界和平大会上听到南京解放的消息See More
Artist introduction
- 《漓江晚照》钧釉坛
- 《高瞻远瞩》石头与羊陶塑
- 《国家形象》美人醉钧釉琮
- 《走过从前》钧釉堆塑罐
- 《花开富贵》牡丹纹尊
- 《空谷幽兰》钧釉开光兰草纹尊
- 《舞》白缩釉盘
- 《石窟印象Ⅰ》瓷板画
- 《石窟印象Ⅱ》瓷板画
- 《晚归》白鹭鸶壶
- 《美人醉》豇豆红瓶See More
Artist introduction
Exhibition of Artwork Donations from Yan Jialong and Zou Chuan’an
Hunan, the birthplace of many patriotic heroes, is also the mother of many diligent artists, ranging from Yi Yuanji in the ancient period (known for his portraits of monkeys) to Qi Baishi of the modern time (hailed as “The People’s Artist”). With years of effort, the Hunan Museum has now established a collection of artworks from celebrities to artists born in Hunan, a number of which coming from generous donations.
In 2013, Zou Chuan’an, a Hunan artist famous for his flower-bird fine brushworks, donated 799 pieces of his own paintings to the Museum. And in 2014, 64 representative works of Yan Jialong, a well-known calligrapher in Hunan, were gifted to the museum by his family members, in fulfilling the artist’s final wishes. Over the past several years, the Hunan Museum has devoted itself to the collection, research and preservation of these donations. Here, the exhibition features 43 works of Yan and 63 of Zou, all of which marked the peak of their personal achievements, fully revealing the level of Hunan contemporary art between the latter part of the 20th century and the early 21st century.
Donations from the public not only enrich the museum collection, they also extend the boundary of the institution, furthering the development of the field of museum. This exhibition held by the Hunan Museum aims to honor the kindness and generosity of the well-known artists, giving the public an access to their artworks.
Artist introduction
Yan Jialong (1928-2012), a contemporary calligrapher and art educator, was born in Lianyuan, Hunan Province. He was once a leader of art column of Hunan Daily, a professor of Art School of Hunan Normal University, director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, chairman of the Hunan Calligraphers Association and a member of the Chinese Artists Association.
Keen on art and literature since childhood, Yan got inspiration and guidance in calligraphy from his great-uncle Yan Changrao when he was a little boy. During his secondary school, he was taught by Zhou Da, a famous Chinese art painter. When he entered the National Central University and later pursued further education in the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, he received instructions from masters like Fu Baoshi and Pan Tianshou. His handwritings, varying from the regular to the cursive, unfailingly distinguished themselves with either strength or refinement. Long-term practice and research on tablets of Han and Wei Dynasties, as well as Lushan Temple Tablet imparted his handwriting with a touch of roughness. His works appeared in national-level exhibitions many times. Several collections of his works have also been published.
As one of the main founders and organizers of the Hunan Calligraphers Association, Yan strove for 20 years, greatly contributing to the influence of Hunan Calligraphy in China.
Zou Chuan'an, style name “Shu Jing”; pseudonym “Zhi Zhi”, was born 1940 in Shuiche Town, Xinhua County of Hunan Province. He owns multiple titles—member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the Hunan Research Institute of Culture and History, a guest professor of the Art School of Hunan Normal University and a national-level artist. Before retirement, he worked in the Federation of Literary and Art Circle of Loudi, Hunan Province. Having dedicated himself to the research and creation of flower-bird fine brushworks, he has gained abundant artistic skills. His fluent language of the arts fully displayed by his unique combination of splash-color and fine brushworks, creating a new sub-genre of Chinese paintings. His paintings and written works have been transformed into over 20 publications, some of which are collected in renowned institutions at home and abroad including but not limited to the Hunan Museum, National Art Museum of China and Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
Root and Soul - Exhibition of Chinese Civilization
Chinese civilization, profound and long-lasting, has been recognized by people all over the world. This fact is even further solidified by the boundless artifacts uncovered. Although only 30 sets of exhibits are shown in this exhibition and its selection process was constrained by many obstacles, we still have a chance to catch a glimpse of this magnificent Chinese civilization.
The development of Chinese civilization has been multi-dimensional and full of twists and turns, rather than going down a narrow path. the artifacts will be restored to its former glory as we will attempt to place it back in its own timeline. We will also seek out the artifacts’ values and positions within the society by conducting an extensive study into their origin, design and background, thus shining a light on the beauty of the civilization.
The Chinese civilization is the only civilization that is still alive and going strong. Although it lies on the Eastern pole of the Eurasian continent, blocked by an immense ocean, high mountains and an endless desert, China has never closed its door to other civilizations. There were exchanges and integrations between grassland culture and farming culture in its north and south; communication and interactions with cultures from ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Persia and Arab in the East and the West. In addition, There had also been an influx of colorful religions, such as Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Nestorianism and Islam. some of foreign cultures have either faded away or assimilated into Chinese civilization. Through constant communication, trade and interaction, civilizations collide, innovate and renew. The exhibits here are witnesses of the cultural exchanges between China and the west.
History and reality are inseparable, even more so with civilizations that develops from a natural, primitive state. These artifacts may seem to have no connection with the current China. Actually, it is inextricably tied up with our modern life. It affects our way of thinking and many other aspects. It is in our blood. It is the “root” and “soul” of our culture. “Even now, it is the powerful spiritual strength that promotes reform, opening-up and the socialist modernization movement”.
刘一原的现代水墨艺术创作起始于20世纪80年代。他近半个世纪以“心象”、“点线”、“感时” 为关键词的现代水墨艺术实践,为中国画坛提供了一系列意味深长的当代水墨叙事。刘一原立足本土生存体验,运用中国传统绘画“澄怀味道”、“以形媚道”的水墨艺术方式,以悟对和反省的姿态面对当今之生活世界。他1980年代至本世纪初的作品,沿用宋、元以来中国传统绘画“因心造境”、“以手运心”的创作方法,发挥笔墨的书写性特质,将一种悲天悯人的情怀融入到形象和笔墨之中,表达人在“现代性”之后所生发的诸多生存感悟,引起了广泛的共鸣。他的作品是关注中国文化当代转型问题的理论家、批评家们研究的对象。一直以来批评家们从不同角度不断揭示刘一原作品的历史感、现实性及其创作方法论特色,为中国当代水墨的艺术实践开拓了新的起点。
- 楚雄之音
- 天河
- 时光之迹
- 重生
- 情结之一
- 情结之二
- 归
- 冰花雪月
- 仰啸
- 秋山红叶
- 远古之门
- 乐舞See More
Artist introduction
2017年6月意大利·罗马Roma Spazio Arte Make Make举办“生命之痕——刘一原水墨艺术展”
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