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World's first large-scale internet-themed museum opens in Wuzhen

2023-12-07 09:27
wicinternet.org | Published: November 9

As the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit opens on Nov 7, the Wuzhen World Internet Science and Technology Museum - the first of its kind on a global scale - was inaugurated in Wuzhen town, Tongxiang city, the permanent site of the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit.

Located in the headquarters exhibition cluster of Wuzhen and adjacent to the Wuzhen International lnternet Exhibition & Convention Center and Light of Internet Expo Center, it covers an area of 18,000 square meters with a building area of nearly 43,000 sq m, including 29,500 sq m overground and 13,700 sq m underground.

The museum has six permanent exhibition areas, where advanced technologies are utilized to full effect -- AR glasses intelligent guidance, AI digital human dialogue, immersive interactive experiences and a U-MAX cinema.

The museum houses over 130 valuable exhibits related to the internet industry, which are distributed across various exhibition areas. These include the world's first graphic interface computer - Lisa, China's first router and domain name server, as well as Huawei's NetEngine 5000 series core router.

The museum showcases the internet's fundamental and irreplaceable role in supporting global digital development. It gives a deep insight into China's determination and commitment, alongside countries worldwide, to embark on a path of global digital development.