The Flavor of Hunan Ⅱ
The Flavor of Hunan Ⅱ
“The Flavor of Hunan Ⅱ” delves into the cultural artifacts related to liquor in the Hunan Museum. It combines local liquor customs, liquor culture, and liquor brands of Hunan Province. Through three perspectives — historical humanities, geographical conditions, and liquor customs — it interprets the profound history and tradition of Hunan liquor, its rich artisan culture, abundant revolutionary history, diverse cultural heritage, and intangible cultural legacy.
The exhibition is divided into four major sections, including "Liquor Culture in Hunan Museum" "Brewing Fine Liquor in Hunan" "Brewing Techniques," and "Fragrant Bistro". Through a sensory experience that engages sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, it guides the audience to appreciate the charm of Hunan liquor culture.
- “酿酒有时”汉画像砖插画
- “卖酒有垆” 汉画像砖插画
- “饮酒有法” 汉画像砖插画
- 豕( shǐ)形铜尊
- 皿方罍(léi)
- 兽面纹铜爵
- “旅父甲”铜尊
- 镶嵌绿松石铜方壶
- “君幸酒”云纹漆耳杯
- 漆绘龙纹勺
- 云纹漆锺
- 唐 高19厘米 口径9.2厘米 底径10厘米 茶以后才出现带“流”的执壶,又称“注子”,可分酒也可分茶。以诗歌为饰是长沙窑装饰的重要特征,这件壶的诗文爽口、书道遒劲,是其代表作。在流下腹部题以褐彩写诗歌一首:“春水春池满,春时春草生,春人饮春酒,春鸟哢(lòng)春声”,从中可以一窥当时湖南人畅饮春酒的生活场景。 【古人也好酒】冬天里酿造的“春天” 春酒,即冻醪,是唐时人们常饮用的酒,寒冬酿造,春天饮故名。据《诗·豳风·七月》记载:“十月获稻,为此春酒,以介眉寿”。长沙窑瓷执壶上也有“美春酒”“陈家美春酒”等酒名。See More