Youth is Meant for Striving: An Exhibition of Youthful Mao Zedong’s Cultural Relics
Youth is Meant for Striving: An Exhibition of Youthful Mao Zedong’s Cultural Relics
Over the past century, with every forward stride of the era, the figure of the youth has been reflected, promoting the victory with their beliefs, suppressing the turbulence through diligence, and composing the anthem of the times with their youth.
Youthful Mao Zedong harbored lofty ideals, sought knowledge, tempered revolutionary skills, pursued truth, courageously undertook the mission of national rejuvenation, and harmonized knowledge with action, awakening the masses of workers and peasants. Confronting difficulties directly, he dared to struggle and advocated for striving.
This exhibition, centered around time, carefully selects over 150 exhibits from the Hunan Museum, Changsha Museum, Mao Zedong and the First Normal School Memorial Hall, and Hunan Provincial Archives. It showcases the journey of young Mao Zedong from studying at the normal school to leading the movements of workers and peasants, narrating his exemplary influence in cultivating moral character, establishing lofty ideals, loving the great motherland, and shouldering the responsibilities of his era.
- 1913年《湖南省立第一师范学校章程》
- 1914年《湖南省立第一师范学校管理细则》
- 1918年《湖南省立第一师范学校志》
- 1914年《湖南省立第一师范学校职教员学生一览表》
- 20世纪初出版的《新民丛报》50777
- 清拓岳麓书院法帖
- 1917年《新青年》第3卷第2号
- 1917年6月《湖南省立第一师范学校同学录》
- 杨开慧烈士自传手稿
- 《海外乡谈》第二期
- 1920年2月5日湖南驻沪驱张请愿代表团编印的《天问》周刊
- 《湖南》月刊系驻沪驱张代表团所创办。1919年10月22日,毛泽东同湖南教育界1272人联署发出公启,揭露张敬尧操纵改选并控制省教育会的内幕,反对张敬尧摧残教育事业。公启于1920年2月20日在《湖南》月刊发表。See More