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Symposium on Excavated Bronzes of Shang & Western Zhou Periods in Hunan

2015-08-27 08:00 to 2015-08-29 17:00

From August 27 to 29, 2015, Hunan Provincial Museum held the Symposium on Excavated Bronzes of Shang & Western Zhou Periods in Hunan in the provincial capital Changsha. Over eighty experts and scholars from nearly 30 institutions attended the symposium. They were from Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, Minneapolis Institute of Art, University of California, National Taiwan University, Peking University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Museum and other institutions. The latest research findings were shared during the symposium. Centering on the topic “Bronzes of Shang and Western Zhou dynasties unearthed in Hunan”, the participants discussed their origins, functions, periods, social functions, casting techniques, the bronzes and ancient ritual system, and the bronzes in Hunan and its neighboring regions. In the lively discussions, experts on bronzes from home and abroad expressed their own academic points and submitted related academic papers. Papers from the symposium were published on the 12th Issue of Journal of Hunan Provincial Museum.

During the symposium, participants were invited to attend the opening ceremony of this exhibition and visit the objects on display. They spoke highly of the great contributions made by Hunan Provincial Museum in carrying forward and promoting the Chinese bronze culture. The symposium would greatly promote the understanding and research on the bronzes of Shang and Western Zhou dynasties unearthed in Hunan. Meanwhile, it would also promote the development of the museum industry.

Experts and scholars visit the exhibition

In 2017, the Catalog of Treasures from Hunan: Excavated Bronzes of Shang & Western Zhou Periods, edited by Hunan Provincial Museum, was published by Zhonghua Book Company

Catalog of Treasures from Hunan: Excavated Bronzes of Shang & Western Zhou Periods